Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button

Who would have thought, we would see Mr. Pitt playing an old man on clutches which was turning younger as years passed-by ,how Cate Blanchett is in love with a baby and a giant clock ticking backwards.

Well, the story takes place in the time after the 1st World War where an orphanage suddenly receives an elderly looking baby with wrinkled skin wrapped by a cloth. And so, the curiosity of fellow cast members starts to arise. As most Bio students know that the pituitary gland is the place where growth/aging hormones are produced maybe that's why he's growing that way hmmm.....As the stories goes on, he meets several people taking care of him and telling him the meaning of life and love. And yes, he meets the girl of his life, Cate Blanchett who is an aspiring ballet dancer and the story develops up the whole movie and finally he left her alone with their newborn child. When finally he did he popped out,he has turned to be a 18-20+ year old teen and she was in her 50's with a new man and their daughter was already 12. It's amazing how make up can make u look 12years younger[Brad]and12years older[Cate].And the years passed by, leaving her older and him younger til one day he reached an age of 14-15 where he could'nt remember her or his past. Weird, how the young could also get alzheimers disease. Living in a life of confusion, he grew younger n younger til he died as a toddler...

So thats almost the whole story i dun really want to spoil everything, so i would say this is a really unique storyline and it was great performance by the duo. Rather slow but very inspiring. O-yea this movie is up for award nominations ,so maybe this year we could see Brad or Cate lift another oscar trophy

Signing out,

Jason Hong