Thursday, May 21, 2009

I Am So "Glee"

Glee definition emotion of happiness
But i ain't gonna talk bout plain old happiness. I am talking bout the new hit musical series!!

It was on after American Idol on Fox Network and it was awesome!!
Here's the scoop. It's about a group of vocally talented outcasts coming together to perform as a "Glee!". Well.. as you know not all of them were outcasts. There's always the jock shying away his singing talent in the bathroom.And there is the girl who dreamt all her life to be a super star.. i know i know somehow pretty cliche` isn't it.Well, she kinda reminds me of.....

But never mind here's a group pic of the casts U may find some familiar faces in there
the photo is a little creepy they are smiling a little too much[like me] but i suppose it embodies the meaning of the title...Of course theres always the bee-aaatchee famous girl trying to ruin the club, the friend of jock who doesnt understands, and the struggling teacher who motivates everyone except himself...i am not to worries if they have a scandal soon...>.>
Okay!! time for more positive notes about to the show. It is really funny and the tunes are very good. i was blown away by the performance a group did. and i totally hate Amy Winehouse and her No No Nos in Rehab Watch it!

On a bigger note these kids can sing!! so much better having Zac Efron monotoning some tunes...Here's another one by the cast of Glee ;"Dont Stop Believing"

Well at least now i got a show to watch during the season
Signing out,
Jason Hong