Mraz Man! He's so awesome. Great stage showmanship Woohoo!!!
but too bad he didnt sing all of his older songs. But his band was really rocking out the show
especially the one on the saxophone Heres one of my fav pic i got on him
The lighting was just where i wanted him LOL. After watching him LIVE, it is good to say he does not lip-sing because he sings where the melody is right to him with rifts , twist and turns making every performance different than the others.
Somehow he plays the guitar in a weird position.Jamming With His Band
Although it was weird with all the girls shouting "we love u Jason" there were still chatter around A girl went " Hey i bet theres another Jaosn Around Lets Shout Mraz We LOve U!!. LoL so true...Anyhow I got to say he is quite a good dancer very salsa-ish and he connects with the audience thats what make him so cool.Before i go, lemme just post a video i found although the video isnt great the audio is clear Here's THE REMEDY in KL
Jason HONG
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