Me again... remember in my previouse blog i stated bout ill blog bout my afternoon at Day1 here it is!! taaaaaaaaaaadddddddddddaaaaaa****!
well...... the title may be a bit vage but i think u get it
i am 19 and in around 6 more months ill be 20.... omg... so old .... cant the time pass slower i still want to be a teenager what the hell is wrong with u!!!!!!!
Ok back to business so this post is bout my Primary School Reunion @.@... speechless...*blank*
so right... it was hosted by Eshwy and the name of my primary skool is..... SK Taman Megah.
Ring any bells??? well if not its just beside Yuk Chai School...
so the reunions at The Apartment in the Curve and so i rushed there with my hair soaking wet from a bath. Driving there was hell i had to detour here and there due to the fact that the road was close for the firework in the Curve....
Anyway i was quite eager to meet some people
for example Mr. Calvin Khan previously and still known as Khan Chow Yong hope i got the name correct havent really seen him much since i moved ( he used to stay jus the road opposite me)
Okay here are some people i meet a little more often except Beatrice Ting which is at alot the far right . Ian is currently my classmate and michelle is my skoolmate and tshek zen we alwiz coincidentally meet.... lol.... and to me i really think he has a crush on miss bee bee form my class
not this Beatrice...
This is Sophia Geh. Believe it or not we used to be that boy girl rivalry partners Every morning she and another girl would call me and another guy, gay and we call them, les back aaahhh sweet memories....
These are the people who attended the reunion although a small amount its quite alright overall and i dont know why Ian's shutting his eyes but who cares bout him... i see him everyday......
Signing off
Wth!? Pls dun simply come to conclusions just by observation with no justification man! (U shud know wat i meant by that; I wun pursue further about it) -__-"
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